Tag: Home Seller

Posted on 12/06/2020
For Sale by Owner: Worth the Risk?
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay For Sale by Owner (FSBO) can be an extremely tempting prospect for home sellers. If you don't have to pay the real estate commission, you can put more of the money from the house sale directly into your pocket. But it takes more of a roll-up-your-sleeves attitude to successfully complete a home...
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Posted on 05/31/2020
Setting the Fair Market Value
Image by Andrey Popov from Shutterstock The term "fair market value" is the price at which an interested but not desperate buyer is willing to buy and a motivated but not distressed seller is willing to sell on the open market in your location. The set value depends on recently sold similar-sized homes with like amenities, upgrades, and...
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Posted on 07/21/2019
Make a Game of Moving
For most people, the idea of moving conjures up dread and stress. There are things to sort, boxes to pack, fears that the dishes might get broken because you didn't add enough padding to keep them safe, and concern that you'll lose something, miss something, forget something. But moving doesn't have to be all stress and bother. You...
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Posted on 06/09/2019
How To Ensure Profit When Flipping Houses
Many people are joining the home flipping frenzy. Whether you are working on making a profit or just plain bored and wanted to make a quick buck, it was the field to be, but that is not always the case. People have forgotten the fact that when they flip houses, they are spending money, time, and effort. It...
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