Tag: Home Design

Posted on 08/04/2024
Here's what you should know about architecture studios
If you're interested in interior design or architecture, it...
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Posted on 03/12/2023
Designing your dream home interior & exterior: How to get started
If you're designing a custom home interior and exterior, there are countless options available to you. Sometimes the amount of options and freedom can be more overwhelming than working within a strict template. Luckily, there are some simple ways to approach the process to make it easier to design your perfect living space. Here are some tips for...
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Posted on 12/05/2021
Don't Forget These Details When Building Your Custom Home
Photo byJean van der Meulen fromPexels From the moment you decide to build a new home, you are going to be inundated with decisions to make. Most of these decisions are large and can be overwhelming at times, but it's important not to lose sight of the small details that will transform your house into a home. These...
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Posted on 11/14/2021
Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment: A Quick Crash Course in Home Design
Furniture, fixtures and equipment (FF&E) interior design projects might seem as though they only involve choosing new items based on their style, color and other aesthetic elements. However, FF&E projects go beyond aesthetics in scope. In fact, interior designers working on FF&E projects should do significant research on textiles, materials and other components to ensure safety standards. Items...
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Posted on 07/25/2021
Passive Solar Homes 101
Photo by Skylar Kang from Pexels If you're purchasing a new construction, consider the benefits of a passive solar home. Unlike simple solar panels that attach to your roof, architects design passive solar homes from the ground up, taking into consideration such elements as building site, position and materials. True passive solar homes collect heat throughout the day...
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Posted on 06/13/2021
Design: Tips for Creating Your Ideal Timeless Style
Image by Pixabay via Pexels Although there are plenty of interior design styles to choose from, going with a timeless look is always an excellent choice. Timeless designs mean you don’t have to worry about keeping up with the latest interior design trends or having your home look dated. With a classic or timeless style, you don’t need...
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Posted on 04/25/2021
The Benefits of Open Concept Layout
Image by Solomon Rodgers from Pixabay The real estate industry is ever-changing and with it, many trends come and go. One popular trend is the open concept layout, a style that was very popular in homes during the 19th century. The idea of open concept living fell out of favor during the early 20th century when homeowners were...
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Posted on 08/02/2020
Building Beautiful Wall Art with Your Photos
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay With so many pictures stored away on digital devices, we forget how enjoyable images of children, friends and memorable experiences in our living space can be. Selecting several of your more meaningful photos for a photo showcase adds character to your home and demonstrates that you value family, connection and staying active. On...
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